Protagonists of Latin American Futures


  • Elis de Aquino University of Amsterdam
  • Frank I. Müller
  • Anke Schwarz


In the absence of a coherent and convincing narrative of hope, new protagonists and their solidly responsible forms of imagining and struggling for livable futures enter the stages of parliaments, social media platforms and public spaces in cities around the world. It is precisely such spirit of collective solidarity, facing multiple crises at once, that links indigenous struggles over land and environment with the young people of the climate strike movement, as Brum has it, the “first generation without hope.” This leads to the overarching question of this theme issue: Who are the protagonists of Latin American futures? Who is imagining, writing, narrating such futures – how, when and where? In this CROLAR theme issue, we map protagonists of Latin American futures, both human and non-human, looking at the ways in which they act, create, and think futures.


Brum, Eliane (2019): The power of the first generation without hope, Latin America Bureau, June 13, 2019, at https://lab.

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Colectivo Miradas Críticas del Territorio desde el Feminismo (2017): Mapeando el cuerpo-territorio. Guía metodológica para mujeres que defienden sus territorios. Quito: CLACSO. Available for download at guia-mapeando-el-cuerpo-territorio/

Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) (2020): Construir un nuevo futuro: Una recuperación transformadora con igualdad y sostenibilidad. Octubre 2020. Santiago de Chile: Naciones Unidas.

Hanson, Anne-Marie (2020): “Feminist Futures in Latin American Geography”, in: Journal of Latin American Geography, 19, 1, 115-224.

Jelin, Elizabeth, Renata Motta and Sergio Costa (eds.) (2017): Global Entangled Inequalities: Conceptual Debates and Evidence from Latin America, London: Routledge.

Mentor, The (1986): The Conscience of a Hacker, 1, 7, Phile 3 of 10, at http://www. (Last access 27/01/2021)

Misoczky, Maria Ceci, Paulo R. Z. Abdala and Steffen Böhm (eds.) (2020): América Latina / Latin America: Again (and again). ephemera, theme issue 20(1).




How to Cite

de Aquino, E., Müller, F. I., & Schwarz, A. (2021). Protagonists of Latin American Futures. Critical Reviews on Latin American Research - CROLAR, 9(1). Retrieved from