data leaks of the Bahamas and Panama Papers made an astonished
global public aware of the excess of financial flows towards tax
heavens around the globe. These leaks, secretly analyzed by a
global journalist network (International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)), showed in detail what, after
decades of global capital market liberalization and rising
wealth concentration in most countries around the globe, had so
far remained a “best-known secret” among tax experts: economic
elites have resigned from contributing to state financing,
multinational corporations frequently use tax heavens to bypass
domestic tax obligations and reduce - or even eliminate - tax
payments, and consulting firms set up an industry with the very
aim to help their clients to cheat.
These insights were shocking because of their amplitude and detail. The underlying rationale of corporative and private actors, however, was not surprising for scholars critical of the dynamics in global finance. What was new, though, was that after decades of regulatory meltdown, global capital liberalization was put into question and taxation finally found its way back to the discussions about inequality and development. While for too long the focus of attention was put on the supply side of the state, i.e. expenditure, the question of fair and just state financing was back on the table. Taxation was intended to be liberated from the neoclassic mantra that limited its role to two of the three functions of fiscal policy defined by Musgrave, stabilization and (efficient) allocation, omitting its importance for distribution (Musgrave 1939).
The three publications reflect this shift of attention, although
they approach the question of taxation and justice from
different fields and angles. While the book edited by Gaisbauer,
Schweiger and Sedmak is a collection of philosophical and
ethical considerations written by political theorists,
philosophers, and law professors neatly following the footsteps
of Murphy and Nagel’s The Myth of Ownership (2002), the book edited by Yale philosophy
Professor Thomas Pogge and the tax consultant Krishen Mehta
combines contributions by scholars and tax experts in a kind of
policy agenda to increase fairness in global and domestic
taxation. Finally, crossing the boundaries of academic
publishing, the Peruvian web portal Club de Deudores, programmed and published by the
journalist collective Ojo Público,
provides novel information of tax illusion practices of top
enterprises in an exercise of bottom-up activism for tax
Clearly, at first sight these contributions seem to speak to
different audiences and in different languages – the
technocratic regulatory discourse in the volume by Pogge and
Metha, the ethical and moral argumentation in Geisenbauer et
al., or the accusatory digital journalism of Ojo Público. What they have in common, though, is
their goal to revalue taxation as a legitimate and necessary
policy for social development. The (implicit and explicit)
connection they draw to account for their argument is the
relation between taxation and human rights: social, political
and civil human rights are only guaranteed via tax fairness, as
it ensures sufficient public finances for the provision of
public goods which help to assure these rights.1
This is the starting point of the book edited by Pogge and Mehta
(p.2). Their volume, written for an informed audience, combines
15 chapters by academics and tax experts that circle around the
common aim to provide advice on how to increase fairness in
“global taxation”. At first sight, these contributions read like
a wish list of long-term experts and, thus, are not free of
hopeful thinking. The noble, albeit utopic, proposals include a
global tax authority (chapter by Vito Tanzi), the implementation
of the Financial Transaction Tax (chapter by Peter Wahl), an
International Convention of Financial Transparency to curtail
financial secrecy (chapter by Harald Tollan)2 , or an unfounded call to domestically
engage in the fight against base erosion (chapter by Michael
Durst). A second group of chapters combines proposals for
increased tax fairness via legal means. For example, treating
multinational companies as single firms (rather than a
collection of separate entities), and thus avoid profit shifting
(chapter by Sol Picciotto), reforming international tax norms in
order to tax “stateless income” of multinational corporations
currently untaxed (chapter by Edward Kleinbard) or, finally,
implementing a uniform multilateral automatic information
exchange between countries to tackle tax evasion (chapter by
Itai Grinberg). These proposals are important, as they point to
some major shortfalls of transnational taxation and offer
solutions, but they cast doubts if single legal modifications
alone are sufficient to bring fairness into global taxation.
Nevertheless, two contributions deserve the attention of
scholars interested in Latin America, as they are connected to
ongoing processes in the region. The chapter by Lee Corrick, a
senior advisor to OECD and the South African Revenue Service
(SARS), provides a balanced critique of the most far-reaching
international agreement so far to fight corporate tax shifting –
BEPS3, created by the OECD. Although this
agreement is highly technical, the analysis deserves attention
as it highlights the persisting north-south dependence in global
treaty negotiations and the suboptimal design of BEPS for
developing countries. A second chapter of interest, written by
the activist Johnny West, is a proposal to enhance corporate
taxation in the oil and mining sector via the introduction of a
disclosure of corporate profits in mining and oil contracts. His
proposal, although guided by African experience, is also of high
relevance to Latin America, especially taking into account the
missed chance of some Latin American countries to take full
advantage of the windfall profits resulting from the ultimate
commodity boom. The chapter is also a reminder that global
digital transparency initiatives, such as the EITI (Extractive
Industries Transparency Initiative)4, are still in creation and some Latin
American countries (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, and
Mexico) are not yet committed to them.
Notwithstanding the merit of the proposals presented, their
drawback is the authors’ insensitivity to existing power
relations. In fact, these contributions advocate that by
reforming some legal or policy parameters, global and domestic
taxation becomes fair and just. The book thus fails to address
objection to implementation, as the contributions lack a
critique of the historical, structural, and economic
preconditions which made the existing deficits in fairness of
global and domestic taxation possible. Finally, the book lacks a
coherent concept of fair global taxation. What is fair and what
is just in taxing global flows remains theoretically unexplored.
Investigating such underlying concepts and their relation to
taxation in general (part 1), to specific tax instruments (part
2), or in global contexts (part 3), is the very purpose of the
volume by Gaisbauer and his co-editors. Although the chapters
address different topics, they share the argument that mindful
debates on taxation and justice must reflect the underlying
concepts of property, justice, trust, and the State. Without
proper reflection on these interrelated concepts, calls for
measures to enhance tax justice are argumentatively flawed. Such
a reflection can inform us about the meaning of tax justice at
an abstract level, but also help us to assess types and the
design of specific taxes (p.3).
The authors in this book, mainly with a background in philosophy
or law, take on this task and discuss the underlying
relationship between taxation and poverty (Gottfried Schweiger),
property and wealth (Bruno Verbeek), or taxation and trust
(Clemens Sedmak and Gaisbauer). Other contributions discuss
concrete taxes, such as inheritance tax (Rajuv Prabhakar),
taxation on consumption (Xavier Landes), or the relationship
between justice and tax avoidance (Benjamin Alarie). They also
make propositions to expand domestically framed concepts of
justice to the global level and link them to (transnational) tax
instruments, such as a Global Luxury Tax (Vittorio Bufacchio) –
which interestingly includes levying a tax on international
academic conferences –, currency conversion taxes, or carbon
taxes (Gillian Brock). The strength of these proposals is not
their empirical fundament, which is rather neglected as the
volume does not include statistics, tables, or graphs of
empirical data, but their inference from moral and theoretical
reasoning, even if some of the authors’ conclusions do not
appear to be fundamentally new.
The exploration of this moral soil of taxation is the added
benefit of this volume, which enables readers familiarize with
the current debates and the theoretical and methodological form
of reasoning which links taxation and justice. However, with one
limitation, justice in this volume is primarily understood in
re-distributive and material terms. Although mentioned, the
understanding of taxation as a relationship of the individual
with the State – as a legitimized representative of the common
public –, in the form of belonging and representation, remains
underexplored. For example, what does it mean not to pay taxes?
Can this justify exclusion, i.e. the opposite of representation?
This blind spot gains relevance because it fails to connect much
of the discussions to non-European political realities. Thus,
not only do the normative recommendations formulated in the book
remain empirically unchallenged, but they also seem to be biased
towards democratic polities and individually based concepts of
justice. Therefore, an extension of the high-quality theoretical
reasoning that includes such concerns would have increased the
scope of the book.
The philosophical and moral questions discussed in Geisenbauer
et al. have high empirical relevance for the current struggles
for tax justice in developing countries. Interestingly, such
fights are frequently fought from the ground, meaning that they
are taken up by NGOs, heterodox academics, investigative
journalists, or individuals that put current tax systems into
question. This observation does not simply refute the common
assertion that views citizens as mere recipients of tax policy,
reacting, if at all, only via protest or deviation. Quite in
contrast, civil society can take on a pro-active role in
creating counter-discourses to the institutionalized
legitimation of existing tax systems. In the case under review,
the “partner in crime” of Ojo Público
is the internet, their tool investigative journalism, and their
goal the production of a counter discourse and of public
awareness of the misconduct of top corporate taxpayers in Peru.
In a simplistic and descriptive view, the portal contains
processed and visualized information based on an unedited
database, which contains pending tax debts of the major economic
groups with the Peruvian tax authority, SUNAT. The portal
provides information about the type of debts, tax debt in
economic sectors, and type of company. Altogether, these
companies’ total tax debt adds up to US$7 billion, where 75 per
cent of this amount applies to tax debt of only 50 companies.
Their debt alone – 15 billion Soles - surpasses the total health
care expenditure of the state for 2016. Pending tax debt occurs
if taxpayers appeal to the legal mechanism and present actions
before judicial authorities. In total, 800 of such cases are
pending in Peru.5 In other words, what this information
shows is the fruit of aggressive tax planning strategies of
profit-making companies and the disinterest of governments in
securing necessary funds to finance public goods.
In economic terms, this alone would be worrisome, as it shows
that the Peruvian tax system is far from guaranteeing horizontal
equality– companies big enough to engage in aggressive tax
planning gain a competitive advantage by not being taxed, those
too small pay the price and are disadvantaged.6 However, Ojo Público does
much more than highlighting an economic problem. Via their
digital interventions, they create a public for arguments, which
breaks with the dominant discourse of a neoliberal economic
model, such as enhanced extraction of natural resources and
deregulation. In fact, the information shows three remarkable
facts: first, companies from the extractive sectors (mining and
petrochemicals) lead the club of tax debtors, highlighting the
poor ability of domestic tax policies to take full advantage of
the commodity boom, despite all regulation established in the
past. Secondly, top tax debtors are companies with headquarters
in foreign countries, which use these mechanisms to ship their
profits overseas. Finally, tax debtors have sophisticated
personal ties with the government, often with former employees
working on the government payroll. This pulverizes the idea of
the meritocratic success of these companies’, one principal
argument of the free market discourse that dominates Peruvian
economic policy. In sum, the web portal is a prime example of
contemporary investigative journalist output and provides fresh
ideas and information for those interested in understanding the
mechanisms of tax avoidance. Nevertheless, the aim of this
intervention remains policy-centered and limited in its
territorial scope. Consequently, the generalizability of the
findings beyond the Peruvian case are limited and more
comparative work should be pursued.
All of the three publications make a consistent claim to enhance
justice in global and domestic taxation. This call is of urgent
importance and high relevance for all countries around the
world. However, they also show the disconnection between the
debate on tax justice and recent bottom-up investigations of tax
matters in developing countries. Yet, bottom-up research
provides fresh insights on the relational and transnational
dimension of taxation and contributes to our understanding of
the persistent challenges in tax systems around the world. The
next step, therefore, is to link the debate on tax justice to
such empirical research, in order to achieve the ultimate goal
of making taxation fairer.
Musgrave, R. (1939). The Voluntary Exchange Theory of Public Economy. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 53, pp. 213-237.
Murphy, L., & Nagel, T. (2002). The myth of ownership:
taxes and justice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
1 See also UN General Assembly (2016): Human Rights Council 31st session: Final study on illicit financial flows, human rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt and other related international financial obligations of States on the full enjoyment of all human rights, particularly economic, social and cultural rights; A/HRC/31/61. Online: (accessed 01.12.2016).
2 For up-to-date empirics on financial secrecy, see (accessed 01.02.2017).
3 BEPS stands for Base Erosion and Profit Shifting. See also (accessed 01.02.2017).
4 See
5 As legal processes are very slow, there is a high probability that, at the end of the day, these companies’ tax debt will expire, resulting in no tax imposed on them at all
6 In addition, besides other influences, tax rates are higher than necessary, as few have to pay for what all could afford with a lower tax rate.